Tagged: summer

On the Menu: Meal Plan Reset

Anyone following this blog might infer that I have been starving over the last 3 months since I have neglected to share my weekly adventures in meal planning – but rest assured, I’ve been eating! Menu making on the other hand? Well, let’s just say that Summer 2015 has been an even split of one crazy project at work (thus junk for dinner at night) and glorious boating weekends (thus many a picnic with mini sandwiches). My man acquired a little beater of a boat and while he’s been fixing it up, I’ve been occupied with another all-consuming project at work… so things like blogging and gardening and and cleaning and meal planning (and generally doing anything other than driving to the office or tanning on a boat) have been abandoned and forgotten. These days, my life looks like this:

Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. BOAT!!!!! BOAT!!!!!!!!!! Sleep. Repeat.

It’s time to reset – there isn’t enough moderation in my life and I need to get into a more healthy pattern of balancing work and home. (Not that there’s anything wrong with spending my weekends on a boat, but even Lily is feeling neglected these days and that poor dog needs all the attention she can get.) So first things first: I’m restarting my weekly meal planning, or at least I’m going to try.


Sunday Food Party: As the saying goes, Go Big or Go Home. I decided to kick things off by putting a few favourites on the menu to get me back into the swing of cooking up a storm on the weekend. We’re long overdue for a large batch of my Bolognese – I’ll freeze most of the sauce but I’ll save some for later this week.

For lunch (today and every other day this week), I’m throwing together the Lemon Parsley Bean Salad that I’ve featured here a few times – it never gets old and I’ve got plenty of herbs in the backyard to toss in there. I also got a fillet of salmon that I’m going to cook as a side to the salad for some extra protein.

Next, a double batch of my Homemade Mac n’ Cheese – I’m going to freeze one and keep the other for dinner one night this week. I love a giant serving of that cheesy carbliciousness along with some greens, like this beauty from a few months ago (and yes, those are chips on top – my not-so-secret ingredient in this heavenly casserole):


Finally, (I told you this Sunday was a big one!) I am trying out this Summer Pasta with Zucchini, Ricotta, and Basil. (Yummmmmmmmmm. Why, why do I love ricotta so much!?) Sadly, the zucchini in this recipe will NOT come from my garden (the crisis in July turned into a full blown epidemic in August), but I picked up some zucchini from my local market, which is just as good.

Monday: Turkey Tacos with Homemade Taco Seasoning. This seasoning. Oh. My. Yes. It is so good!!! I urge you to try this and forever replace the weird processed stuff from the grocery store. It’s so easy to put together: Chili Powder, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Red Pepper Flakes, Oregano, Paprika, Cumin, Salt, Pepper, BOOM. As the recipe says, use 2 to 3 tablespoons with 1/2 to 3/4 cups of water over 1 pound of browned meat… so simple, so good! We’ll have some corn on the cob as our side along with all the classic taco toppings: salsa, sour cream, cheese, greens, etc.


Tuesday: Spaghetti Bolognese, courtesy of my Sunday Food Party.

Wednesday: Chicken, Broccoli, Rice. Our old favourite and we’ve got lots of chicken breasts chilling in the freezer (pun intended) ready for my man to do his thing.

Thursday: Mac n’ Cheese, courtesy of my Sunday Food Party along with some fresh green beans from my local market.

Friday: To be determined. I’m guessing we’ll be out for the night, or feasting on leftovers, or grabbing some takeout because my man’s best friend is getting married Labour Day Weekend so there are friends in town and lots of happenings.

On the Menu: Summer Slackers

My backyard garden is still offering up lettuce on the regular, there’s about 12 baby cucumbers growing in the back corner, and the tomato plants are a few inches taller than me – all of which implies that Summer is officially here! There’s FINALLY fresh produce available everywhere and I can’t get enough; whether it’s from my backyard or the local market, I’ll take it.

We’re still feeling pretty low key where meal planning is concerned (too hot, too lazy, too busy at work, too busy enjoying late night sunsets to want to bother with complicated meals) so this week’s plan is pretty basic but equally delicious.


  • Lemon Parsley Bean Salad. Love, love, love this recipe. Made it for my grandfather’s birthday party over the weekend and doubled the recipe thinking I was feeding a large crowd – only to get most of the salad back at the end of the night. Jackpot! I’ll munch on this all week long.
  • Grilled Chicken with Tomato Parsley Salad. I found this recipe on Pinterest and I’ve been waiting for my herbs to flourish so I can make the salad from this simple and delightful sounding recipe. (And actually as I look at the photo of this dish, it seems pretty close to the Tomato Basil Magic salad that I love to make…which is probably what drew me to this recipe in the first place!)
  • Steak, Rice, and Cucumber-Radish Salad. This year I mastered pan-fried steak with the help of these excellent instructions. Sear one side on the stove top and finish the other side in the oven – it’s fast, easy, and for some reason I feel like a professional chef when I prepare the steak this way. I’ve made this salad before and I’ll make it again – next time with cucumbers from my garden!
  • Chicken Broccoli Alfredo. This pasta dish never gets old and I’ve got lots of fantastic cheese in the fridge to switch up the flavours this week. Mmmmmmm.
  • Summer Salad Smorgasbord. Last week, this week, next week, every week this Summer… Salad forever. The beauty of my salad melange methodology is that it tastes different whenever I throw a random salad together, so it never feels dull or repetitive. I’m also hard boiling a few eggs so I can make egg salad sandwiches for lunch this week (embellished with herbs from the backyard, of course).

Summer Salad Smorgasbord

Oh my goodness, oh my goodness – so much has been going on these days! It’s hard to believe that it’s already the middle of the last week of June, how did that happen!? I’ve got to say, it’s been a great month – June is and will always be my favourite and this year was no exception, especially since I celebrated a milestone birthday which included time spent with loved ones and unexpected travels to the Great West (Los Angeles and Beautiful Country, British Columbia – more on that adventure another time).

So far, turning 30 has been fantastic. This could be largely due to the fact that I have been anxiously waiting to enter my 30’s for a few years now – I’m not one of those people who worries about getting older and unlike most friends and acquaintances that I talk to, I have been looking forward to leaving my uncertain and stressful 20-something self behind so I can emerge as a confident, happy, 30-something woman who knows what she wants and gets it. And while it wasn’t like I woke up on June 3rd feeling like a different person, I do sense this very real shift in the way I’m carrying myself, in the way that I try to think things through, and in my overall sense of self. Of course this is all just in my head and I know at heart that I’m still a big kid who will never grow up – but nonetheless, I feel great.

Elements of this “new decade, new me” sensation seem to be infiltrating every part of my life, including this blog and my ongoing meal planning project. Where I used to worry and stress a few months ago about what I’d put on the menu each week and feel internal pressure to keep up with regular posts, I’m now more mellow and happy to go with the flow week by week. This might also be heavily driven by the fact that my trip out west more or less killed our budget for the entire month which prevents me from planning extravagant meals every week, as well as the arrival of the glorious summer season which gives me my giant dose of happiness-inducing vitamin D and puts me into a more relaxed lull.

Also, my garden! This garden is just extraordinary – it does so well with so little intervention that I’m convinced there is some magic power fuelling the growth of everything in that tiny plot. We’ve been living on salad for the last 3 weeks and I can’t pick the lettuce fast enough.


So this brings me to the Summer Salad Smorgasbord – since I haven’t been putting meals up on the chalkboard for the last few weeks, I thought I could at least share a small glimpse of my salad-filled month of June, perhaps to inspire a little impromptu salad spin-off in your own life. (Speaking of spinning – please note that a salad spinner to dry lettuce would be an extremely useful tool should you choose to start a garden filled with leafy greens…)

Tomato Basil Magic: Is this the most essential and classic food pairing in the world? I certainly think so. These two mixed together are like a perfect marriage of sweet and spicy and fresh and tasty and yum, yum, yum. I’ve pretty much made a Tomato and Basil Salad once a week since I planted my herbs in May, and it never gets old. I mean: sliced or chopped tomatoes, slivers of basil, freshly cracked pepper, some coarse kosher salt, a drizzle of olive oil – easy and delightful. The tomatoes in my garden are just starting to come in so I’ve been buying local from a place about 5 minutes from my house until my garden explodes in a few weeks.


Duo Di Salad: Once upon a time, there was a glorious Italian restaurant in my hometown, and they offered the best duo di pasta dishes with 2 different noodles and sauces that were perfectly complementary to each other. The restaurant is long gone but the duo concept lives on in my heart… So my duo di salad is like the skinny woman’s version with 2 fresh salads playing off each other for dinner – we had these 2 with a big cheese omelette and it was excellent. Does that tomato salad on the right look familiar? That’s some A+ tomato-basil-magic right there. And the salad on the left is a ton of lettuce from the garden with locally purchased cucumbers and radishes (at least until my own cucumbers come in), topped with this easy, flavourful and creamy salad dressing that I discovered last year.


Tomato Cucumber Medley: This salad has ALL THE HERBS. Parsley, Basil, Chives, Mint, repeat. And it’s basically the same as my magical tomato-basil concoction (salt, pepper, olive oil, toss) except it includes large chunks of cool cucumber and plenty of different herbs, making every bite taste slightly different. In fact, whenever I throw this together, it comes out like a completely new salad each time, which I love!


The Mighty Cesar: This year we decided to try growing Romaine lettuce in the garden, and (why am I always so surprised) it worked! I pillaged this section of the garden last night and we had a gigantic Chicken Cesar Salad, complete with bacon bits and grated cheese. (And yes, I used dressing from a jar instead of making my own, it was a lazy dinner night and my man loves the pre-made dressing, I have no shame.) That lettuce though. It looked so good I would have eaten it bare without anything on it.



Sadly those are all the pictures I have on hand – in all other salad instances, we were too hungry to pause before capturing the greens in all their glory. But something tells me there’s more to come from the garden in the coming weeks… Until then, eat your greens kiddies, and enjoy the sunshine!

The Month Of The Zucchini


This photo was taken at the very beginning of August, but it gives a fairly accurate representation of my entire month, which was full to the brim with super tasty zucchini from my garden in the backyard. Yes, that is my foot on the far right. And yes, the zucchini on the far left is bigger (MUCH BIGGER) than my foot. My Pinterest has been overflowing with zucchini recipes so I can keep up with the harvest in the garden and I’ve got a great meal that I will be sharing on here very soon, with bright green zucchini in the starring role.

Return to Vacationland


It’s (finally!) that time of year…the pilgrimage to Vacationland was not without a few obstacles this time around, but we arrived in one piece and I am ready to relax and enjoy my peaceful two week vacation. The salty air has already given me a rejuvenated sense of being, and the view doesn’t hurt either! Got to go, must get sand between my toes and lobster in my belly.

Throwback Tomato


In the spirit of Throwback Thursday, today’s summer photo is a shot of my very first cherry tomatoes harvested from the backyard garden. They were as delicious as they look and I still have a hard time believing that such gorgeous food is yielded from the little baby plants I put in the earth. First Tomato. It was a big deal.

A Very Special Day


Starting the August round of my summer photo series at the end of August feels a little odd. (What happened!? Where did this month go?) But I think I might have been subconsciously holding out this whole time just to kick things off on August 26. Today is special for two reasons: First, it is my older sister’s birthday. (Not where she is! It is long past midnight in Europe, where she is currently living a real life adventure.) Second, I harvested my first large tomato from the backyard. It’s been raining cherry tomatoes for weeks, but today’s harvest was particularly spectacular with the big addition. The cucumbers are a little stunted – I don’t really know why they stopped growing, but it doesn’t bother me because they still taste great. They look like they would be perfect as oversized dill pickles – a delicacy the birthday girl would certainly enjoy…so here is my gift to you, sister. Imaginary dill pickles and my heart shaped tomato!

Fresh, Fragrant, Flavour.


The herbs are doing exceptionally well in the garden, not surprisingly – last year I bought and planted some in several pots on our deck, and they did just fine as long as I watered them daily. It’s the same in our vegetable garden, but on a much bigger scale. They smell incredible and have been abundant since the day I planted them in May, giving every meal an added layer of flavour. Basil, parsley, oregano, thyme, and chives, oh my!

Eggplant Heartbreak


Heartbreak! Last weekend my first eggplant was in the early stages of development and looking spectacularly bulbous. Last night I visited the garden in a heavy rainfall to gather some herbs for dinner and found that the entire plant was nearly toppled over, with what appears to be little tiny bite marks on my glorious baby eggplant. HEARTBREAK!!! Apparently the squirrels in my yard have finally figured out that the plants they were digging up in May are now bearing tasty treats that they can steal overnight. Tonight I will assess the damage and hopefully implement some tactics to get those pests out of my garden.

Tomato Time!


At most, it must be a day or two away…I can almost taste it…tomato time!!! I took this photo just last weekend and all these green gems are now a lovely bright red or right on the brink, like the orange-coloured beauty in this shot. On the weekend I intend to make a feast of this particular vine – tomatoes, basil, olive oil, Kosher salt, cracked pepper, yum. The tomato plants just keep growing and growing with countless baby tomatoes springing up everywhere, and I sense that the coming weeks will be tomato packed. I am too excited. Tomatoes!!!